Inconel 718 Springs - Thermal PropertiesInconel 718 is one of the best material for springs operating at high temperatures


Inconel 718 Springs

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Thermal Properties

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Inconel 718 Springs - Thermal Properties

Is Inconel Alloy 750 the best material for springs operating at high temperatures?

For short-run, small-batch orders of round wire springs, then the readily available sizes of Inconel X750 should be considered since there are a number of wire vendors that stock it.

INCONEL alloy 718 Thermal Properties*

Mean Linear Expansion,
in./in./°F x 10-6 from 70°F
to Temperature Shown
Thermal Conductivity,
Btu/in./hr/sq ft/°F
Specific Heat,
sq ft/hr
Electrical Resistivity,
ohm/circ mil/ft
-250 6.5 67 0.073 0.15
-200 6.6 70 0.08 0.143
-100 6.7 74 0.09 0.135
70 83 0.103 0.132 731
200 7 89 0.109 0.133 739
400 7.2 98 0.116 0.14 746
600 7.5 109 0.12 0.148 761
800 7.8 120 0.125 0.158 771
1000 8.1 131 0.13 0.169 783
1200 8.4 143 0.137 0.173 786
1400 8.8 154 0.151 0.172 775
1600 9.3 164 0.171 0.164 761
1800 9.8

* Material heat-treated 2100°F/3 hr, A.C., + 1550°F/24 hr, A.C., + 1300°F/20 hr, A.C.

Values for thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, specific heat, and diffusivity are from Lucks and Deem and electrical resistivity from tests conducted at Lehigh University.

Optimum Spring manufactures high-quality custom INCONEL alloy 718 springs
Phone: +1 (904) 567-5999
Toll Free: (888) 322-9974
Optimum Spring Manufacturing

We Specialize in the following Spring Materials:

Inconel 718

Inconel X-750

Inconel 600

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